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  • Writer's pictureArchi Thakur

Journey of Life

Her smile hides a lot of pain in her heart,

The shackles of emotions

Never let her

To open her generous

Desire to give more

Of something,

inferior cringe thoughts,

Of those vulnerable people,

Prisoned her optimistic


Her loquacious nature

Turned into a silent voice,

Which can no longer be heard

Her philanthropic personality

Suddenly turned into an

Ascetic one,

Her convictions

Which she wanted

To turn into salvation,

Turned into her bleak future,

The humdrum of life

Created by pessimists,

Turned her realms of dreams


The lushed fields turned

Into a barren one,

That day,

The seren twinkle in the

The barren land of cactus,

Guide her to the goal

Of her life,

She realized,

It's not a right place

To be in,

She deserves more,

She believes in who she was,

She knew she can make

A change in this world

With her words,

So she took a pen and

Start to write

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